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Full Version: Singapore's system will fail if trust ís eroded and lost
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Pot calling the kettle black
MOM, MOH, MOE already failed.

So this means that Trust is already eroded, liao.

You let more FTs earning more than $6k and less than $12k come in under EP, more trust will be eroded.

No point blaming Opposition for your mistakes like a Cry baby.

You forgot your LJ Minister said "No Blame Culture"?
Pls step forward, stand for erection n become the PM...can do anythung u want...ok, beri good
(16-02-2022, 11:43 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Pot calling the kettle black

Ka kee Kong, Ka kee song.
And which fcking PAP told us to integrate with Foreigners?

Cannot find the article does not mean I do not know.

PAP wants to erode trust, let them continue for another 5 or 10 years.
(16-02-2022, 12:10 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]And which fcking PAP told us to integrate with Foreigners?

Cannot find the article does not mean I do not know.

PAP wants to erode trust, let them continue for another 5 or 10 years.

They have lost my confidence in them. So far I see them preferring to bring in more FT rather than train and groom our own local citizens
(16-02-2022, 12:15 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]They have lost my confidence in them. So far I see them preferring to bring in more FT rather than train and groom our own local citizens

anyone can say anything is up to each individual intelligence to analyse n form his/her opinon
The system is excellent dog breeder.
Is MCI the most stable ministry or most dispensable? Telco and media regulator. Else why put her in a place where she can cost minimal damage? Big Grin