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Is the GST nothing more than Gasak* Singaporeans Tax?
PAP wants to OVER-pay his own Ministers without our approval, yet cannot produce solutions for the long- run.

They are well compensated but cannot perform.

And why must over-pay PAP to prevent corruption?

Just remove 25 PAP Ministers to save cost.

Then set up a Coalition Party made of different members and parties that can audit PAP FREELY.

So much cheaper, too.
Govt should stop raising anymore Regressive taxes. They are hurting the lower to middle income group and the retirees through high inflations. If the Govt have any conscience, they should tax the rich more. Otherwise the CPF life and savings of retirees will be wipe out by inflation and all would be suffering.
It's time people send a strong signal by voting more oppo in the next GE before it's too late This is the ONLY way pap will wake up and listen to the ground.
tell you all to vote oppo liao. see la. too late. have to made sg less competitive else all suffered.
[Image: OCBC-GST-rates-over-the-years.png]