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Full Version: US: A fourth Covid-19 shot might be recommended this fall
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A fall timeline coincides with the administration of flu shots, which could be convenient for people and makes sense scientifically because respiratory viruses -- like the coronavirus and influenza -- tend to peak in the winter months that follow.

"As more data become available about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including the use of a booster dose, we will continue to evaluate the rapidly changing science and keep the public informed," Hunt wrote. "Any determination that additional booster doses are needed will be based on data available to the agency."

If or when the FDA authorizes a fourth dose for the public, the next step would be for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to review the data before making a recommendation for use, as the agency has done for other coronavirus vaccine recommendations.
Sumwan said maybe here ... so it's alr a certainty ... Trust their words summor Big Grin