SG Talk

Full Version: How can the Party that wears white be pure and white when actually......
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How can a Party, who claims to be righteous and virtuous, all because they wear “white” when they are anything but, because over the years and decades, they had/have in it so many dubious characters? I give you just some examples, and hope my bros here will update me with more... these are just top of my head.

bribery (TCW, minister), bribery and gambling addiction (WTB, minister), corruption and fugitive (PYK, union leader), alcoholic and sex maniac (DN, union leader & president), adultery (MP, speaker & DO), liars (NLL, IL, ST), bigamy (OW, minister), lost TC monies (THP, mayor), drunkard (CSS), racist remarks (DP, CWK), cheating and corruption (CWK), breaching Companies Act & illegal financing (LSP), law society disciplinary action and court case (AKAG)
Tell me who is worse and damaging to our country?
Pitram & Faisal or the above bunch of dubious characters.
Pinky said Pitram needs to be dealt with properly because otherwise he would “dishonour Parliament and bring this august institution into disrepute”. But what harm did he bring to parliament, based on the opinion of the COP members?
Yar lor!

They must wear white to cover themselves.

Full of blemish need white garbs.

Anything written on a white sheet of paper can b easily erase n write again  Big Grin