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Full Version: LW said don't pass tax burden to the wealthy
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Quote:If all or most of Singapore's tax burdens are placed on the wealthy, they will feel that it is "grossly unfair" and there would soon be no rich people left to tax

Mr Wong said this during the Ask the Finance Minister television programme that aired on Mediacorp's Channel 5 on Tuesday

He said that the Government will "look at" additional utility vouchers for households to cushion the higher carbon taxes over the coming years

A guest on the show, an entrepreneur, raised concerns that tighter foreign manpower policies will mean businesses will hire more technology workers overseas to work remotely

Mr Wong said the tech labour crunch was a worldwide problem but that Singapore's policies did not stop firms bringing in such workers
Isn't that excuse silly! Why don't he say if the tax burden being placed on the middle class, then there would be no middle class people left to tax!!!
Most if not all lions like eating sheep. Lions eating lions would mean heavy price to pay (big injury in the fight) and only to be eaten by others...

So naturally must protect fellow 1% richest folks lah. Lol
Wayang just want to protect themselves and the rich
Weird logic? Rotfl
Everybody will have their share to contribute to the society. Earn more give more. Earn less give less.
No $$$, can contribute by doing volunteer work.

He didn’t know Bill gates and Buffett are donating out their asset when they uplorry.
They know the wisdom of I Ching very well.

The most amazing rich is the DFS boss, donating out most his asset when he is still alive and leave only 2 millions for himself.
even if they are tax another 10% more is like $100 to them
they like to be here becos of safety,gd connections n no natural disasters
so this $100 more is just drinking 1 bottle less of $1000/** wine.
(23-02-2022, 08:54 AM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]even if they are tax another 10% more is like $100 to them
they like to be here becos of safety,gd connections n no natural disasters
so this $100 more is just drinking 1 bottle less of $1000/** wine.

shall tax them more else all these are just a wayang to appease the ground
LW is just not experienced enough to answer questions. His answer will only anger the netizens.

In spore, the rich ones already paying a lot more than the poor people already, he could have just answer "we have increased the tax for the rich and they are already paying a lot of taxes." Which is the truth and netizen will feel more justified.
The current generation leaders are simply not up to standards compared with their predecessors who brought Singapore from a 3rd to the 1st world country.

Their predecessors sacrifices and knowledge in handling public questions were well thought through, but not this generation.

The current leadership will compromise our well being against many issues eventually and we ended up paying more for their bad lessons learned.
Yup...we cannot burden the million dollar PM...
to me is like those in power will protect the rich.. they only take care of each others... this is totally BS
Would have expected him to increase tax for those earning $1million, like all ministers, by 5% more but he didn't. Need to tax the rich more so they pay their fair share to help the country but they keep finding excuses to increase regressive taxes instead.