SG Talk

Full Version: Putin wants to ‘turn Ukraine into a broken country,’ political analyst says
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It cant even control its separatist enclaves
that’s what happens when sadistic and greedy humans are given too much power…turn into something evil and tragic
[Image: 1-A0-EC67-E-D109-4913-B60-B-28404-EFD6-A34.jpg]
Commies in this forum are so full of noise and sheet. Putin already invaded.
That was what the Americans have been doing all the time and now they pretend innocence by pushing their crimes to the Russians even before the Russians move in on Ukraine. Look at Vietnam with the US raining bombs and Agent Orange, they broke the country and retarded it by at least 50 years to rise again. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan, these countries were complete ruins after US invasion and now left broken with who knows how many years to walk again....... Rolleyes
(23-02-2022, 08:43 AM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]Commies in this forum are so full of noise and sheet. Putin already invaded.


Don't anyhow twist hor!
Russia sweet revenge.
Putin you are the man leh  nudie nudie
The so call west singing and dancing and blow fire everyday hor
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Putin on the move to protect Russians
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-23-11-24-10.png]
Russian parliament approves troops abroad
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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-23-11-43-48.png]