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Full Version: Government will do more to help Singaporeans if inflation is higher than expected,
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Government will do more to help Singaporeans if inflation is higher than expected, says Lawrence Wong

I think we should beg PAP already...ask does not help anymore.
hahah . . . .

They help by increasing GST to 12% or by setting extra 2% Corp Tax when the companies do not have more than 50% Citizens?
Yup do more by raising help you so that can give out CDC vouchers , U-Save and rebate.
Just mandate that all to give up all assets and future earnings to govt. Then govt give out food and lodging vouchers.

This does not apply to the rich folks and elites.

Done. Also no more GE.
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In the end it is always Singaporeans doing more to pay back to the govt.
Rubbish. Laughing