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Ukraine, a good example for Taiwan.

US, EU and UN cannot do anything about it at all.
(26-02-2022, 12:38 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]sure putin is new hitler, never use human life as business or anything.
Ukraine land link to Russia also cannot take down, taiwan with a huge taiwan straits apart by sea, with china military? LOL LOL.

Anti-War Protests In Russia Test Putin's Dictator Privilege

Anti-War Protests In Russia Test Putin's Dictator Privilege

real foolish to say UN, US, EU cannot do anything.
They are sanction Russia to extreme now, look at Russian people today, stock down 50%, currency down20%.
EU &  US also supply weapons, war is about strategy.
Russia cannot fight, army died, surrender to Ukraine, internally, globally & externally, putin is panic now.
Ukraine land link to Russia yet Russia cannot win, Taiwan with huge straits, with lousy china military, plus global support to taiwan, china totally no chance.

乌克兰人守住了首都! 基辅居民围攻俄坦克装甲车! 俄军组织混乱、补给一塌糊涂! 俄第四支突击队又被灭! 普京帝国岌岌可危!

乌克兰人守住了首都! 基辅居民围攻俄坦克装甲车! 俄军组织混乱、补给一塌糊涂! 俄第四支突击队又被灭! 普京帝国岌岌可危!


Are your ancestor from the country with an I?
(27-02-2022, 08:10 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Are your ancestor from the country with an I?

China and Taiwan is a domestic affair

Before WWII, China was capitalist and as.modern as the west...
Todays China is like Capitalist too
(27-02-2022, 08:45 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"C"

China and Taiwan is a domestic affair

Before WWII, China was capitalist and as.modern as the west...
Todays China is like Capitalist too

The other one.
They are stronger than I thought. Keep up this spirit.