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Full Version: ‘Double standards’: Western coverage of Ukraine war criticised
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27 Feb 2022 | Updated: 11 hours ago


The war has triggered swift condemnation by several countries, immediate sanctions by the United States and other countries targeting Russian banks, oil refineries, and military exports, and marathon emergency talks at the UN Security Council (UNSC).

On social media, the speed of such an international response – which includes the exclusion of Russia from some cultural events and treatment of it as a pariah in sports – has raised eyebrows at the lack of such a reaction to other conflicts across the world.

Media pundits, journalists, and political figures have been accused of double standards for using their outlets to not only commend Ukraine’s armed resistance to Russian troops, but also to underlying their horror at how such a conflict could happen to a “civilised” nation.

CBS News senior correspondent in Kyiv Charlie D’Agata said on Friday: “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict raging for decades. This is a relatively civilised, relatively European – I have to choose those words carefully, too – city where you wouldn’t expect that, or hope that it’s going to happen.”

His comments were met with derision and anger on social media, with many pointing out how his statements contributed to the further dehumanisation of non-white, non-European people suffering under a conflict within mainstream media.
On Saturday, the BBC hosted Ukraine’s former deputy general prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze.

“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blonde hair and blue eyes being killed every day with Putin’s missiles and his helicopters and his rockets,” Sakvarelidze said.

The BBC presenter responded: “I understand and of course respect the emotion.”
Unfortunately in this world, brown, yellow and black lives don't matter as much.
For fair object coverage look at China and Russian media?

This is laughable Russia invaded a sovereign country against International Law it deserves to be condemned.
(28-02-2022, 05:42 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]For fair object coverage look at China and Russian media?

This is laughable Russia invaded a sovereign country against International Law it deserves to be condemned.

Don’t be double standard Thinking
communist source of news & video by commie dogs, norm, censored, lies & fake, let it be.
Russian stock & ruble crash down also fake, after 4 days russia cant even takedown 1 Ukraine city also fake, russia army >4k died also fake, chechen army demolish also, everything negative to them is fake, this is ccp  china style, nothing new or special.
then dont negotiate, dont stop the war, continue to fight, russia burn US$30B everyday, sanction to extreme continues forever, freezed & confiscate Russian asset globally never ever returned, putin continue to threaten with nuke also fake, war continue till they bankrupt will be the best, just need another days to weeks the most.
all these moronic commie liars here.



5300人阵亡,尖锐折损,俄败局已定 !3个信号,俄要对欧盟开打?乌有望入北约欧盟!普京疯了拉全球陪葬?银行挤兑卢布崩盘,俄金融危机爆发!

5300人阵亡,尖锐折损,俄败局已定 !3个信号,俄要对欧盟开打?乌有望入北约欧盟!普京疯了拉全球陪葬?银行挤兑卢布崩盘,俄金融危机爆发!
(28-02-2022, 05:46 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t be double standard Thinking

I condemned US military operations when they violated international law and human rights.

It is all the hypocrites that condemn US then now say it is okay for Russia to invade due to fux justification
Actually not sure if u all noticed, we keep hearing how many Russian soldiers killed, but there is no news on how many Ukrainian soldiers were killed.. Even Russia is not reporting that number..

Like that next time must engaged Ukrainian to defend Singapore, then no need do NS liao.. 0 death vs 5300 death..
Hesrd Ukraine released their prisoners, give them arms to fight the Russians. If they die, it's Russia killing civilians.