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Full Version: Singaporeans in Russia stunned by what happened
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"I simply was stunned because when you're studying international relations, you always believe that the states act as rationally as they can," said the 22-year-old undergraduate who is studying governance and international relations in Moscow.

"Even a state like Russia, which has conducted certain actions that have challenged the international system, the policymakers and actors have always done so in a very careful calculated way and such a blatant action was definitely a shock."
He is better than staying in sg , from what he claim
" Mr Li managed to withdraw 7,500 roubles (S$100) and said that he has enough money to last him a few weeks. "

100 can last him A FEW WEEKS, whereas in SG , 100 dollar?

Next he is SAFE IN Russia to be honest.
This 22 years old needs to be stunned many more times before he can apply the International System he learnt in Russia into real war. .... Big Grin