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Full Version: SIA, Scoot and Jetstar Asia mandate MUST crew to JAB !!!
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HOW, how , how?

SIA, Scoot and Jetstar Asia to require pilots and cabin crew to be fully vaccinated
Can those anti-vax crews complain to MOM?
No jab, no job.
From Australia.

Get vaxxed or leave, Qantas tells its staff
Qantas becomes the first major airline in Australia to demand employees be vaccinated, after a staff survey backed the move.
(18-08-2021, 10:17 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]No jab, no job.

Many companies will follow soon
(18-08-2021, 10:19 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]From Australia.

Get vaxxed or leave, Qantas tells its staff
Qantas becomes the first major airline in Australia to demand employees be vaccinated, after a staff survey backed the move.

Next customers ... non jabbed .... pay more?
"“For the employees who are unable to take the vaccine for medical reasons, or choose not to do so, the SIA Group will endeavour to find for them another position within the organisation that is commensurate with their experience and skills,”

How how..
(18-08-2021, 11:49 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]"“For the employees who are unable to take the vaccine for medical reasons, or choose not to do so, the SIA Group will endeavour to find for them another position within the organisation that is commensurate with their experience and skills,”

How how..

Sure lower pay and no promotion. If don't want ..... the door is always open
SQ girls can work at the canteen ..... wait, later SATS requires staffs to get jabbed ..... she can go work in Changi Airport ground crew wash aeroplane head. And guess what did MOM said about this, likely they will ask, go seek MOH advice  Rotfl ..... SUCKER  nudie
Next few months, more and more will come out with mandatory jabbed
SQ/Jetstar will probably tekan these unvaxxed employees and make them leave. Example is to ask them to wear full PPE every day in a non-aircon area. Swab every day until nose bleed, etc.
(19-08-2021, 10:34 AM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]SQ/Jetstar will probably tekan these unvaxxed employees and make them leave. Example is to ask them to wear full PPE every day in a non-aircon area. Swab every day until nose bleed, etc.
we all know there are 101 ways to "skin a cat"
Poke nose twice a week already enough
(19-08-2021, 10:26 AM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Sure lower pay and no promotion. If don't want ..... the door is always open
SQ girls can work at the canteen ..... wait, later SATS requires staffs to get jabbed ..... she can go work in Changi Airport ground crew wash aeroplane head. And guess what did MOM said about this, likely they will ask, go seek MOH advice  Rotfl ..... SUCKER  nudie
Next few months, more and more will come out with mandatory jabbed
Agreed.. SIA can send you to do a shitty job.. Then of course one have to see what is more important, a job to put food on the table, or take the jab..

Company can play the game as long as it is within what the law allow them.. For this, employee will alway be on the losing end, be it for this jab/no jab thing or any other matters..
Yes can fly liao! clap clap
Next time they can think of, unvaccinated stay on the yellow box like those smokers. Planes, they sit near the toilets. MRT, the last cabin.