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Full Version: All NSFs to get extra S$1,000 in cash after ORD, NSmen to get mthly base pay of $1.6k
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Aqil Haziq Mahmud
03 Mar 2022 12:15PM
(Updated: 03 Mar 2022 02:05PM)

SINGAPORE: From Apr 1, all full-time national servicemen (NSFs) will get an additional S$1,000 in cash after their operationally ready date (ORD) – the first milestone on their NS journey.

They will also get another S$500 after the second milestone of completing three high-key in-camp training (ICT), and a final S$500 after the third milestone of completing the full operationally ready national service (ORNS) training cycle.
Lao peng no have $1000?
Nowadays lives of NSFs getting very good. Next time they'll say soldiers can bring their maids along for exercise.
waste money again. never give also can, why must give and give our tax payer stress . gst not enough?
now pap scared putin will attack singapore after bapok shake hand with putin then turn against him? Angry