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Full Version: Insecure S'porean shouting at foreigner to home
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The police will act to suppress such racist incidents
He is correct so to speak. He was replaced by a FTr
(16-07-2021, 09:59 AM)Gstalk Wrote: [ -> ]He is correct so to speak. He was replaced by a FTr

While it is true a person can feel displaced .if many new people appear and suddenly he feel crowded out
because housing becomes expensive and there are less available space for his children to play at the playground, the smart ones will use the situation to their own benefit.

For example those who can afford multiple properties can rent to new comers   those who own businesses will thrive because there are now more customers. 

Each policy cannot serve every single person perfectly.

We all have to adapt to what govt does as good citizens.
Jobless, no income, everything also expensive. Need to raise a white flag soon
Oh NO .... india variant black fungus infection
Diversity brings about opportunities. Some are good, some are bad.