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Full Version: US: U.S. will defend every inch of NATO territory
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NATO does not need defending.

Ukraine needs.

Even the US is scared of Russia, but to save face, it tries to talk big about defending NATO which is not under attack by Russia.
CB when did Ukraine become their territory. Did they send a single shoulder to fight. It is just a plot to pull the money back to USA.
Shameless American!
Err.. I only need to look at those Afghans who help US in Afghanistan, the Kurds who help US in Syria, the Iraqi who help US in Iraq..
Yes Assmericunts will defend will defend every inch of NATO territory from the comfort and safety in front of their TV at home ….. latest examples …
Afganistan and the current champion U-Krane  Rotfl
(04-03-2022, 10:56 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]NATO does not need defending.

Ukraine needs.
If NATO steps into Ukraine.. its all gloves off for Russia
(04-03-2022, 11:58 PM)keys Wrote: [ -> ]If NATO steps into Ukraine.. its all gloves off for Russia

Thats why NATO tell U-Krane …. NATO are behind you all the way …… way… back
(04-03-2022, 11:58 PM)keys Wrote: [ -> ]If NATO steps into Ukraine.. its all gloves off for Russia

And you assume that NATO steps in with gloves on?
A round about way of saying, Sorry Ukraine, you're on your own
Defend every inch... extend interests by yard  Big Grin
NATO has argued that a no-fly zone will result in confrontation with Moscow.
NATO reiterated it's a No to No-Fly Zone
We can safely assume NATO is run by AWARE's subsidiary.