SG Talk

Full Version: Elon Musk EXPOSED Senator Elizabeth Warren's CORRUPTION!
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Sound like a lovers quarrel.

If Elizabeth Warren has any corruption, her political enemies would tear her apart

Any way her ancestry has been genetically tested. She has native American blood but it was from many generations ago. It is true she tried to milk that but it is not true it has no basis.

The debate about Musk taxes has no basis as he paid a massive amount last year when he converted his stock options. If Elon musk did not exist, China would have the lead on EV and US would not have anything.

Both sides basically throwing rubbish at each other.

Over time I have come to believe that taxes is probably a smaller part of the inequality problem the main problem is income inequality. The income is too low. To use taxes to bring about higher equality is only one part of the equation. Before Regean tax for the high income was 90% to go back to tagt would cripple the economy.

The Biden administration has embarked on print and.spend using the pandemic as an excuse....all this has hardly move the needle on inequality. You change this to tax and spend will be the same.

In the 1950s inequality was low primarily due to labor shortages and factory workers made good wages.
Globalisation allow companies to go to cheap labor countries to produce goods and sell back to America. The US economy restructure to be service based with many in low end jobs. Overall the US GDP growth was good but inequality rose. 

There is no good solution. It's the same problem in Singapore but made worse by the import of foreign workers.