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Full Version: Russian oil trade in disarray as buyers scramble for alternative sources
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I believe Blinken drop the hint of oil ban to encourage traders to shift out of Russian trade.

This allow market to reorganise away from Russia before official ban comes.

Russia cut off from access to foreign exchange will just free fall.
Saudi and OPEC will be the big winner as it can now pump freely and take over the Russian Market.

Same with US shale players who are profitable above $60/barrel.

Canada black sand supply can ramp up.

Basically Russia does not have a unique product that cannot be replaced...Russia is now replaced and has zero role in world economy.
The west can now take the moral high ground and proceed.

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(07-03-2022, 12:26 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The west can now take the moral high ground and proceed.

You have become part of the Angmoh propaganda machine!
USA Never Ban Russia Oil import