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Full Version: ST: Australia, the fossil fuel superpower
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Sitting on treasure robbed from the Aborigines!
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Scomo: we are a lucky country, the world’s most liveable country and superpowder.

[Image: 88242-A18-1044-4-CD1-8-ABB-CEA1-D5-E9-F02-F.webp]

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(07-03-2022, 05:20 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Scomo: we are a lucky country, the world’s most liveable country and superpowder.

[Image: 9-A28-BC3-E-FA0-E-44-C2-81-D0-FDB452-FFC6-E8.jpg]

[Image: 80-FFF635-D344-4-F27-8158-CF5033-A92-F79.jpg]

[Image: 9-D65-CC97-D0-DD-4-EB3-9-B1-E-A24676290-F9-A.jpg]

[Image: F8-B2-A53-D-082-F-4-F95-BFCD-CD8-C4851542-D.jpg]
(07-03-2022, 05:06 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Sitting on treasure robbed from the Aborigines!

And the world is not going to have coal-fired generating stations........