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Full Version: Pentagon rejects Polish plan
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The US Department of Defense has described a proposal by Poland to hand over MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine with an intermediate stop at a base in Germany as "unsustainable".

After Poland's announcement, which appeared to shift responsibility for making the deal happen to the U.S., a top State Department official said the Biden administration was not consulted.

"To my knowledge, it wasn't pre-consulted with us that they planned to give these planes to us," Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified to the Senate.

Russia's Defense Ministry had warned on Sunday that any country that allows Ukrainian-operated airplanes to use their soil to attack the Russian military could be considered a participant in the conflict.

What to watch: The Biden administration is still facing bipartisan pressure from Congress to somehow facilitate the transfer of the jets to Ukraine.

In principle, the U.S. has said Poland has a "green light" to send the jets to Ukraine — but the logistical and political hurdles may be prove too difficult to surmount.
US's master plan - let the EU die by themselves...
Assmerica wants to sacrifice small East European nations to stir more shit?
Bludy cowboy so scared of putin...blinking blinking idiot , so arrogant, never smile
Polish is smart .. i hand the plane to you not Ukraine

you yourself hand it to Ukraine

for me I just trade Migs for F16..thats is all