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Minister of State Explains Why Singles Below 35 Can’t Buy HDB Flats Yet


For more informative & entertaining contents, follow @goodyfeedsg
(09-03-2022, 10:37 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Minister of State Explains Why Singles Below 35 Can’t Buy HDB Flats Yet


For more informative & entertaining contents, follow @goodyfeedsg

This bayee who decided to not wear a tonjek but still keeps a beard is using populist policy to try to win votes.
(09-03-2022, 10:37 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Minister of State Explains Why Singles Below 35 Can’t Buy HDB Flats Yet


For more informative & entertaining contents, follow @goodyfeedsg

Very good idea, how cu.m the PnP never supports?

Because single mah. Want buy BTO flat, married at 17 can buy already as long as can afford. Simple? I can also be minister of state.
Actually all along our system is to encourage family bonding staying together. If everyone not happy just stay out on their own, many will be in debt and families will have a lot of social problems.Once family break apart , everything will break loose .....our country will in deep shit .
government need to put a lot more efforts to create opportunities for single to mixed and eventually form family units. long work hours, work commitments etc in silo has cause many to miss the marriage age.
many will feel the emptiness in old age. especially if they are sick and need support of descendants.
old age home etc can only provide very basic care. like current large scale infections the medical help are stretch and may not provide as much care as one will like to have.
best is still have younger able one to provide support.

create the opportunities, link up. is better for the future of singapore.
I propose govt create 2room motels for youngsters to register for fucking. Only those who manage to get pregnant will then be allowed to buy bto flats.

Rule to be retrospectively applied, ie couples who had bought HDB flats (on couple scheme) has to surrender their flats to HDB if they are without kids and is not due to medical reasons.

Helps with population growth, affordability of HDB and legalized F...k motels run by govt.
(10-03-2022, 09:38 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I propose govt create 2room motels for youngsters to register for fucking. Only those who manage to get pregnant will then be allowed to buy bto flats.

Rule to be retrospectively applied, ie couples who had bought HDB flats (on couple scheme) has to surrender their flats to HDB if they are without kids and is not due to medical reasons.

Helps with population growth, affordability of HDB and legalized F...k motels run by govt.

Plus every 5 years renew the marry cert
(10-03-2022, 09:47 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Plus every 5 years renew the marry cert

Actually I disagree with this. I'm more of a seahorse penguin kind of guy. So I believe that ideally to have only 1 partner for life.
for this I disagree with WP Singh. Next time they will propose to lower age to 21 or even 18. populist politics. Please speak up on inflation that is affecting the mid to lower income group!
(10-03-2022, 09:38 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I propose govt create 2room motels for youngsters to register for fucking. Only those who manage to get pregnant will then be allowed to buy bto flats.

Rule to be retrospectively applied, ie couples who had bought HDB flats (on couple scheme) has to surrender their flats to HDB if they are without kids and is not due to medical reasons.

Helps with population growth, affordability of HDB and legalized F...k motels run by govt.

Later HDB become whore house .. Big Grin
I think single should continue to stay with parents.
(10-03-2022, 09:38 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I propose govt create 2room motels for youngsters to register for fucking. Only those who manage to get pregnant will then be allowed to buy bto flats.

Rule to be retrospectively applied, ie couples who had bought HDB flats (on couple scheme) has to surrender their flats to HDB if they are without kids and is not due to medical reasons.

Helps with population growth, affordability of HDB and legalized F...k motels run by govt.

I have been waiting for this a long time
Already spent thousands in Hotel 81 and Fragrance just for fcuking
At least we could fcuk in peace without embarrassment at the check in counter.
(10-03-2022, 10:47 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Later HDB become whore house .. Big Grin

Since anti vice sweep geylang freelancer... HDB already whore house...