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Full Version: Ukrainian army explode Russian tanks in Kyiv suburb forcing them to retreat'
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The Russians never study Sun Tzu?
Thought they worship each other......

美國五角大廈證實"俄軍還有95%戰力完好" 國際制裁不斷 任天堂.Sony.雀巢.嘉士伯加入行列 @中天新聞

【圖文說新聞】俄軍出動兩型武裝直升機 攻擊烏裝甲部隊畫面曝光|TVBS新聞
Ukraine army are one hell of  fighters.

Convoys are very vulnerable to be attack and destroy unless they are protected by military helicopters and fighter jets.

内部反了!俄罗斯国家电视台呼吁普京停战! 普京震怒,把八名将军撤职查办! 俄军如此挫败,让习近平心惊肉跳!
