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“Intelligence plus character- that is the true goal of education.” This quote by Martin Luther King Jr succinctly summarizes the purpose of receiving an education. In order to push students’ boundaries and to inculcate in them values like determination and diligence, some believe that an element of competition and ranking is necessary. However, in my opinion, if competition is in excess, the education system will be rendered counter-productive due to the negative effects of encouraging hyper-competitiveness in students. Therefore, while competition is an important factor in molding people of character that will contribute to society, safeguards need to be in place to ensure that the extent of competition in the education system does not become excessive or obsessive.

Why is competition important? One of the key reasons is that it offers a very clear goal and motivation for students to do better at their studies. Take the Chinese education system for example. Though certain people would term it as ‘extreme’, it is undeniable that China has managed to produce many bright talents especially in the area of science and mathematics due to the competition in schools. With such a large student population and a relatively tiny number of spaces in the most prestigious local universities like Beijing University, competition is a motivator for students as it pushes them to secure a bright future on their own. This is loosely based on the Darwinian idea that only the fittest survive, which encourages students to strive to be classified as the ‘fittest’ and reap the rewards of being so. Therefore, it is believed that competition is necessary to bring out the best in people, and also to stretch their potential.

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