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Full Version: Taiwan's Tsai says Ukraine war shows need for unity in defense
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She will get what she want, I always have this feeling China one day will launch their invasion on Taiwan FINALLY

partly also due to current Russia war. I see China is monitor how Russia will get etc once war end. the aftermath

than China study it etc and plan their invasion on Taiwan to fullfill their mission One Country One China. Now left only taiwan.

I see Xi want to make himself well remember by his people so I kinda have this " strong feel during this term he might launch attack on Taiwan " Xi already regard himself as Chairman Mao, he want to be remember just like him for its people.
(13-03-2022, 01:52 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]She will get what she want, I always have this feeling China one day will launch their invasion on Taiwan FINALLY

partly also due to current Russia war. I see China is monitor how Russia will get etc once war end. the aftermath

than China study it etc and plan their invasion on Taiwan to fullfill their mission One Country One China. Now left only taiwan.

I see Xi want to make himself well remember by his people so I kinda have this " strong feel during this term he might launch attack on Taiwan " Xi already regard himself as Chairman Mao, he want to be remember just like him for its people.

Olympics is over, Xi still has one more meeting to reaffirm his 3rd term. After that not sure what he’s going  to do, unify Taiwan?
(13-03-2022, 02:22 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Olympics is over, Xi still has one more meeting to reaffirm his 3rd term. After that not sure what he’s going  to do, unify Taiwan?

Yes, I already mention. Xi will do something BIG FOR CHINA , his Party take back Taiwan End it once for all, ONE CHINA ONE COUNTRY.

ever since Russia start war, I rethink Might be possible China is really this time for REAL on taiwan.

Just look over the years all the politics talk , China Jet Plane keep flying into Taiwan zone, and Taiwan keep doing army drill with USA
Save Taiwan. 
Unification is the only way. 
If declare war, its destruction. 
Pls care for the ordinary folks sake. 
Don't want to see another Ukraine.
(13-03-2022, 02:48 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]Save Taiwan. 
Unification is the only way. 
If declare war, its destruction. 
Pls care for the ordinary folks sake. 
Don't want to see another Ukraine.

Well history of conflict etc , is always no end. For Sure China always want to take back Taiwan always inside their Gov mind after HK already taken back.

Just the Matter of time they really into Action invade Taiwan.
(13-03-2022, 02:52 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Well history of conflict etc , is always no end. For Sure China always want to take back Taiwan always inside their Gov mind after HK already taken back.

Just the Matter of time they really into Action invade Taiwan.

Once next Presidential Election is again taken by DPP, China and PLA should get ready for big battles. No point talking so much liao.
(13-03-2022, 02:54 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Once next Presidential Election is again taken by DPP, China and PLA should get ready for big battles. No point talking so much liao.

SURELY WILL HAPPEN CHINA Invasion on Taiwan Just waiting for the RIGHT TIME, RIGHT Moment.

Russia war on Ukraine already a HINT Openly to tell u.

The mainstream media all over the world currently just want you ONLY concentrate Russia war Whereas Covi19? lol like gone?
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Taiwan is closely watching each day for what.