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Full Version: Why GIC and Temasek didn't put all their $$$ with CPF Board?
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Why GIC and Temasek didn't put all their $$$ with CPF Board,?

It's very safe similar to CPF members savings,  and fully guaranteed by Singapore Govt.
GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.
(13-03-2022, 10:41 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.

Since both SWFs didn't put any $$$ with CPF Board that means CPF is not safe at all. 
They must have considered CPF very risky.

Then why should we put $$$ there
(13-03-2022, 10:41 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.

You don't say that hor, those Pro PAP will dig out that info, I think somewhere under GIC or where

claim GIC , TS holdings investment so call " never touch CPF "

but so ? end of the day isn't they use PUBLIC FUNDS TO Invest our money?

win Brag big
lose keep quiet
NO BODY take responsible for ANY FAIL investment
(13-03-2022, 10:41 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.

They know CPF pays unreasonably very low returns so smart, they afraid to be cheated by CPF Board lah

That's why smart people like them didn't put $$$ with CPF Biard ..only stupid people like us put $$$ with CPF, correct or not?
(13-03-2022, 10:58 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]They know CPF pays unreasonably very low returns so smart, they afraid to be cheated by CPF Board lah

That's why smart people like them didn't put $$$ with CPF Biard ..only stupid people like us put $$$ with CPF, correct or not?

I only know that Mr Loo so call millionaire always tell people max out their SA , claim become Millionaire
I only know let be honest,
if everyone yes already " Millionaire see their CPF inside so much money have million "

Than Gov going to broke than. IF everyone can withdraw all their millions out from their CPF

This is WHY GOV control it.

The world is like this, cannot have too many rich people. Like that no people work below.
(13-03-2022, 10:41 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.

GIC sees CPF Board as an idiot for not able to invest for higher returns like them

Is this correct or not?
(13-03-2022, 10:41 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]GIC borrows money from our CPF via issuance of bonds to invest for higher returns.

IF both GIC and Temasek reluctant to put $$$ with CPF Board which offers unreasonably low returns that's considered not suitable for them..

Then why is it suitable for us?
(13-03-2022, 11:47 PM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]IF both GIC and Temasek reluctant to put $$$ with CPF Board which offers unreasonably low returns that's considered not suitable for them..

Then why is it suitable for us?

but people say CPF interest rate is there even better than crap banks interest lor.
CPFB (force us to save) by collecting our contributions every month. 
Every month hundreds of millions of dollars sucks and taken out of the system.
After sucking our money they recycle it by buying bills and bonds from the Singapore govt.

CPFB does no investing just pass on money collected to the govt.

MAS recycles the money back into the system by lending into the system (money market operations) or 
buy foreign currencies and selling Singapore dollars (foreign exchange operations).

If not the system will become so short (tight) that interest rates will shoot through the roof.

The foreign currencies bought becomes foreign reserves, which gets recycled to GIC.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
(14-03-2022, 12:10 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]but people say CPF interest rate is there even better than crap banks interest lor.

Only believe in GIC and Temasek , world's top SWFs, and no one else.

Since the experts think CPF Board is not worthy as investment assets, and didn't put $$$ with CPF Board.

Then CPF Board is Junk status - not an investment grades.
We have to Trust their market judgement.
Can anyone of you here name one advanced country's  pension funds operating similarly like CPF Board to service SWF, GIC?

Question 22

Please go online research and tell us?