SG Talk

Full Version: Speculators Massively Cut Their Bullish Bets On Oil
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not easy playing love Godfather Klaus schwab

u might get his displeasure
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-15-16-16-09.png]
So what Putin must do?
like everything Control
u must be operating with a single knob
and it must be on auto
Just push or input a single value can liao.
escalation easy just get the next value ready finger at the ENTER key
U must never b involved like in a woman drama
Oil price was supposed to be high for a while after the war broke out, however Biden quickly talked to UAE, Iraq and Venezuela asking them to increase production within short period of time. In order to win the midterm election oil price can’t be too high, must be below $100
Those laughed and did not take his calls