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Full Version: Ukraine capital 'resembles a disaster movie' after another day of relentless shelling
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After truce and peace, there should be a lot of construction and infrastructure projects in all the Ukraine cities. Most likely those Russian aligned countries will be awarded with these projects. I guess Putin is preparing the tender document now....... Big Grin
Ukrainian forces also have artillery & rocket. Some of these damage are done by them, obviously to blame Russia. War by deception.
(15-03-2022, 06:36 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]After truce and peace, there should be a lot of construction and infrastructure projects in all the Ukraine cities. Most likely those Russian aligned countries will be awarded with these projects. I guess Putin is preparing the tender document now....... Big Grin

That’s true, maybe Capitaland can get some big projects in downtown Kiev.
(15-03-2022, 06:40 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]That’s true, maybe Capitaland can get some big projects in downtown Kiev.
Like that must tender through Malaysia lah. May be register the company as Capitaland Sdn Berhad........ Big Grin