SG Talk

Full Version: Crude oil has dropped below $100
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Yet the petrol 95R is still above $3. All the 5 petrol companies are profiteering. Got to slam anti-competitive law on them as they are like collaborating.
TSL said the anti-competitive watchdog is watching the 5 petrol companies. Looks like watching show only. 😔😔😔
Petrol up 5c drop 3c. Net result is up up and away. How not to cause severe inflation in Sg.
Heng arh save a few coins for very pump hiaz
Gold also drops like bomb… Rotfl
Look like rate hike will have big surprise.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-15-22-19-23.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-15-22-22-29.png]
How to compare price without processing cost,
there is always also be delay factor.
Looks like interest rate will be set much higher than expected.  

Market crash will happen.  

Game has changed
Beast wants to starve Humanity
In Barter
Price value relative price and value follow a parabolic curve
Used to be for world prosperity the slogan for Petrodollar now dead
"keep the price of gold low and oil will flow"

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-16-03-43-40.png]
Turn your head to the back only head not body
Oil can be expensive as it falls
Gold must flow not keep still
In Barter
if u got kerosense and gold
u keep kerosense and let gold go if u need kerosense more
u watch their relative parabolic curves of price and value
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-16-03-52-39.png]
not easy to be a Putin
to win

National reserves are 'stuffs'
Price and Value are in the Thoughts of man blowing in the wind
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-16-04-06-28.png]