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Full Version: Nato masses 30,000 troops & 50 warships for huge war games on Russia’s border
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Walau shiok man!

[Image: rpopcorn-19410540-H250-removebg-preview.png]
That is why. A show of forces.
Waiting for one silly mistake and we have what PAP dreaded most .... The World War 3
Get ready to read about nato ship sunk, blamed on Russia

"False flag"
‘Space station will crash,’ warns Russia;

[Image: Space-station-will-crash-warns-Russia-Wr...u-Tube.jpg]
comie dogs here can only bark lies from their fake communist sources, some even fark from their ass using own created lies here, all these comie dogs here are real desperate & totally shameless.
comie here using all the fake thread title to con morons here.
Russia already gone case, no more army or fighting ability, wait for best chance to save face to withdraw.
NATO strong army are all rready, must not give chance anymore, finish Russia when it at weakest, sametochina,never let these 2 evils run away this time.

沒台階下也得下! 美國估俄羅斯資源最多再撐10天 3國總理以歐盟領袖代表身分會見澤倫斯基協助戰後重建

This NATO exercise take how long ? After exercise where they go ?
Fight fight fight
(16-03-2022, 07:31 AM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]This NATO exercise take how long ? After exercise where they go ?

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