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Putin purges internally chiefs and generals.
(18-03-2022, 01:30 PM)guffaw Wrote: [ -> ]

Putin purges internally chiefs and generals.

Assmerica got so many spokespersons for Russia?  Thinking  Rotfl
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦 An American Colonel Douglas Macgregor told the truth about the situation in Ukraine:

1.  Still active Ukrainian military units are cut off and surrounded in various settlements. They are capable of only small-scaled attacks on insignificant objects. The outcome of the war is predetermined.

2.  For the Russian army, the main problem initially was the task to advance without great destruction and civilian casualties. This creates the illusion of slow progresses, which the West uses to convince the whole world that Russia is on its way to defeat.

3  The war can be ended quickly, paying no attention to destruction and casualties, but Putin absolutely does not need this. 70% of Russian citizens support their president – that's a lot.

4.  In the south-east of Ukraine, 16 thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are surrounded. This has been already going on for several days, and it is not known what they still have and in what quantity but Russia is not interested in their destruction – surrendering them is their aim.

5.  The Russian army tries to avoid the central part of Ukraine, especially fields, so as not to obstruct the sowing campaign.

6.  The task of the Russian Army is to take control of all important facilities. The seizure of the territory is not the aim, the destruction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – that is the point.  The goal is almost reached, without taking into account the surrounded troops.

7.  Mariupol is a big problem: there are a lot of Nazis from Azov Battalion, which is fraught with great destruction but McGregor doesn't know what the Russian high command has in mind.

8.  In the US, Putin is considered to be the world’s evil, all info about the events until 2014, about 14,000 killed by the ukrainian government during the conflict in the Donbass, is hushed up but McGregor is confident that the TRUTH will come out anyway.

9.  The biggest lie on American TV is about the order of the Russian army to kill Ukrainian civilians.  Mistakes happen, but intentional killings are excluded.
why a bbfa oily waffug lao aqua so concerned about the war ha?  Laughing
when china also prepare to abandon russia, russia situation must be totally gone case.
china is too much, total shameless, stab their brother from behind in front of global eyes, really no shame at all.
whether their censored news or internet to support russia earlier, now when russia lost till pantless, they dont help, can just shoot their master from behind, real no.1 in inhuman, selfish to extreme,let see comie dogs here F their master to support russia or as shameless as their master.
let see tonight, biden & xi phone call, will Xi stand on US side & F putin.



Moron kokee singing and dancing say three gorges dam collapse China bankrupt Huawei bankrupt for years now, you all believe  this moron kokee fu.cker he got no substance at all Laughing Laughing
Russia definitely lost the war.
All stop killing humans
and keep climate clean.
Let economy grows
Harmony, no war.
(18-03-2022, 12:13 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]putin already gone case, inside & outside of Russia, all abandon him now.
let see comie master ccp china, sell away Russia for how much per kg now? china, this totally evil devil, LOL LOL.
good time for US & EU to provide Russia with weapons to deal with china.
Russia forever look down at china for century.


comie here can bark whatever BS & lies, already game over for putin & russia.
with all the global sanction, freezed of asset & SWIFT, Russia economy near collapse now, whole world know this, needless to bark.
russia almost no more army & weapons, beg for help, so weak now, even give it a empty city, it also cannot take down. China know well, ask it to F off now.
this ukraine war can end here, russia already cannot fight, no army & weapons, unless china want to join with their army or weapons, if not, totally no fight now, Russia will not take over or claim any Ukraine land now.
China is balless, how anyone F him now, he will not want to lose like russia in this war, totally useless as a brother.
Now is NATO & US how they want to end it, attack russia till it surrender, then can take what they want?
catch putin as criminal & never touch Ukraine again in next xx yrs? destroy all their nukes?
or still wait for china to fall into the trap?
putin, this bloody nazi invader, is totally gone case now, act tough or bark nonsense only show he is insane like hitler in last stage of his life now.
must never let xi run away this time.


Moron kokee your daddy trumpet blow liao nobody come to aid Ukraine leh Laughing Laughing
I don’t see any new weapon send to Ukraine leh talk only lan pah song hor
All support Ukraine all koko kei chicken hiaz Laughing Laughing
(18-03-2022, 05:19 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t see any new weapon send to Ukraine leh talk only lan pah song hor
All support Ukraine all koko kei chicken hiaz Laughing Laughing

Not easy to get into Ukraine. Comrade Putin already made it very clear that anything that carries weapon to Ukraine will be treated as legal targets. Who the hell wants to be a legal target of Russian hypersonic missile........ Big Grin
Lisa Haven will brighten u up
IMHO…. Tonnes of misinformation being thrown about by both sides. You really don’t know what’s the actual situation on the ground Big Grin
One more prediction