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Full Version: 50-Year-Old Man Collapses after less than 1 km Walk Event At Kallang, Passes Away
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Whaha...only 4 ppl..i die...HPB ceo no wonder resign
Did they do any. annual full body check up?
(20-03-2022, 11:57 AM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Did they do any. annual full body check up?

Many people don't bother lah. Very risky especially above 50
Why now so many collapse and die?  

Has it anything to do with Pfizer vaccines?  

such cases have to be monitored in case POISONS start working
or many people do not report for work and are considered as people resigning for better jobs.
Monitor ur work places. Do u see plenty of new faces?
another place are chimneys
What vaccine he took?