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Full Version: Labor win South Australia
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South Australia election: Labor win should have Morrison government ‘trembling’, ALP says
(20-03-2022, 02:28 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]South Australia election: Labor win should have Morrison government ‘trembling’, ALP says

Bad news for Scott Morrison as election is coming in two months, he may lose.
[Image: 50-F9-EE9-A-4-AEC-4352-8-D3-C-4-C9-D1-D927-A08.jpg]
[Image: BF27-B884-75-FF-4646-838-F-AF061-E31-E760.png]

Currently Scomo’s Liberal Party only controls 2 states and Labour Party controls Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and Canberra…confirm Scott Morrison will lose big in coming election.