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10am today SGT, we will know how similar both really are
Azov fighters are bottled up in an area 6sq km (1 third Tampines estate). We can figure out how many tens of thousands civilians are trapped in there as their hostage.

Azov pleaded Zelensky for rescue, and Russia agreed to give Azov safe passage to Kyiv.

But Zelensky refused. He is happy to let Russia destroy all the Neonazis, even at the cost of civilian lives. What a diabolical fella.

Doing so allow him to
1. finally get rid of the Neo Nazi problem who have been trying to assasinate him
2. press for more Western support by painting a false narrative of Russia attacking civilians.
3. switch to the narrative of Western betrayal if their help dont come, clearing the path for him to jump ship and surrender to Russia without being hanged by extremists
(22-03-2022, 07:58 AM)simpleman Wrote: [ -> ]Azov fighters are bottled up in an area 6sq km (1 third Tampines estate). We can figure out how many tens of thousands civilians are trapped in there as their hostage.

Azov pleaded Zelensky for rescue, and Russia agreed to give Azov safe passage to Kyiv.

But Zelensky refused. He is happy to let Russia destroy all the Neonazis, even at the cost of civilian lives. What a diabolical fella.

Doing so allow him to
1. finally get rid of the Neo Nazi problem who have been trying to assasinate him
2. press for more Western support by painting a false narrative of Russia attacking civilians.
3. switch to the narrative of Western betrayal if their help dont come, clearing the path for him to jump ship and surrender to Russia without being hanged by extremists

I find it very unconvincing that 2.8 million Ukrainians in Kiev, there are no rich billionaires or millionaires or influencers and parliamentarians who are willing to surrender to Russia, knowing that Putin will be coming for them later and since Azov Nazis are in Odassa and Mariupol, what is preventing them from revolting against Kelenskyy?
(22-03-2022, 08:22 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]I find it very unconvincing that 2.8 million Ukrainians in Kiev, there are no rich billionaires or millionaires or influencers and parliamentarians who are willing to surrender to Russia, knowing that Putin will be coming for them later and since Azov Nazis are in Odassa and Mariupol, what is preventing them from revolting against Kelenskyy?

Ukrainian Oligarchs already fled to Miami, London, Tel Aviv, etc. 

As for Palimentarians, last year Zelensky put the proRussia leader of the Opposition under house arrest & 2 days ago banned all political parties. 

The hope is with the Ukrainian army to switch sides against him, and there are signs they are starting to. 2 days ago, an entire battalion of the 14th Mechanised Brigade surrendered to Russian forces. As resources run out, more and more confused & demoralised units will capitulate.