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Full Version: India economic growth 8.9% for 2022...
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india & china border problem never resolve, no way for india to work closely with china.
now is the best time for india to steal all the jobs, investment & funds from china when russia & china under attack of invasion.
all these stir shit comie dogs here,they hate CECA & ah neh the most but now hope india & china join hand to deal with US? all these brainless.
India is democratic, modi support china, his next election immediately gone, india just a cheapskate now.
russia just sell their top S500 to india to deal with who? china.
US also warn india about this 300 million barrel of oil from russia, dont feed the evil.
Modi just sign with Japan today, many agreement to work with western world. Modi want all the factories from china tomove to india, want all the technology transfer from western world like china in last 20-30 yrs, of course india hoope the world can sanction china & move china backward by 30-40 yrs.
comie dogs happy? LOL LOL.


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(22-03-2022, 08:24 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]

Congrats to your motherland!