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Full Version: US Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia
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They should just sanction ALL Chinese lor!  Rotfl
Evil American Empire
This war really break all the principles the west has been selling to the world.

Freedom of speech: you don't condemn Russia, I sanction u..

Freedom of rights to one's property: war start, start cheong kong assets belonging to Russian, when they are not the ones who start the war..

Freedom of movement: Ukraine forced all males to stay and fight, west never say anything..
(22-03-2022, 07:36 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]This war really break all the principles the west has been selling to the world.

Freedom of speech: you don't condemn Russia, I sanction u..

Freedom of rights to one's property: war start, start cheong kong assets belonging to Russian, when they are not the ones who start the war..

Freedom of movement: Ukraine forced all males to stay and fight, west never say anything..

Banned all news media from Russia also
We can see for ourselves. 
How indespicable US is.
[Image: 20220322-094329.jpg]

the real genocides and human cleansing
(22-03-2022, 07:36 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]This war really break all the principles the west has been selling to the world.

Freedom of speech: you don't condemn Russia, I sanction u..

Freedom of rights to one's property: war start, start cheong kong assets belonging to Russian, when they are not the ones who start the war..

Freedom of movement: Ukraine forced all males to stay and fight, west never say anything..

All their masks fell off overnight!
China is on the target list la

these super powers cannot stop challenging each other one

today Russia Vs US and the ground is Ukraine

tomorrow US vs China and the ground can the those island