SG Talk

Full Version: Facing prospect of defeat, coward Putin threatens use of nuclear weapons!
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correct only way is for Putin to strike first
In old Singapore this was the way.
Parangs hid somewhere while talk proceeded.
Failure chut chua
B4 while west pushed Putin into war,
Putin already sent Shoigu to talk to Syria
for sea-launched nukes
Dat why Shoigu and Assad embraced each other
They might not see each other again.
Putin empty threats only lah......they where got nuclear unless borrow from Assmericunts.
now putin threaten to use nukes, if Russia win Ukraine war, he needs to threaten this way? Russia generally already lost the Ukraine war, all the comie liars here spam 7/24 all the lies, rumour, conspiracy BS, stir shit here to brainwash morons here.
yet got moronic comie here bark Ukraine to surrender, give in to russia to prevent nukes & WW3. Give in this time, next Russia want poland, give in also? same as NK, Iran & china, every time use nukes to extort, give whole asean to them?
Russia use certain bomb already conduct crimes in this war, dont talk about bomb civillians, this total evil nazi invader, can let him go?putin is going to use chemical & bio weapons in coming weeks, totally inhuman evil, can let himlive in this world? china still supporting it?
putin is comie dogs here idol, they support him to invade, china? needless to say.


russian lickers still support yah….