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Full Version: Russians in retreat, blighted by frostbite and casualties
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Russian forces have been beaten back in several areas as Ukrainian troops launched a valiant fightback to regain key slices of territory across their country.

The Ukrainians deployed devastating hit-and-run tactics against enemy tanks, while some of the Kremlin's ill-prepared forces suffered frostbite and could no longer fight, according to US officials.

With Russian casualties mounting, Vladimir Putin has his "back against the wall", according to Joe Biden, the US president, and could resort to using biological or chemical weapons.
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(23-03-2022, 10:03 AM)way Wrote: [ -> ]Russian forces have been beaten back in several areas as Ukrainian troops launched a valiant fightback to regain key slices of territory across their country.

The Ukrainians deployed devastating hit-and-run tactics against enemy tanks, while some of the Kremlin's ill-prepared forces suffered frostbite and could no longer fight, according to US officials.

With Russian casualties mounting, Vladimir Putin has his "back against the wall", according to Joe Biden, the US president, and could resort to using biological or chemical weapons.

True in some places that Russian forces have retreated.

That is because they move on to new towns as their frontline expand with the same number of troops. That also means Ukrainian forces are stretched & broken up.

Overall the total area dominated by Russian forces in Ukraine is still as big as the UK and growing steadily. 

The painful truth is that Ukrainian army is being broken up into small pieces and nibbled by Russian superior firepower. 

And thats why they cannot mount large scale/ battalion size counter attack against Russian forces. Otherwise we would have seen it all over BBCNNFOX
(23-03-2022, 10:08 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 2-ED9-D03-A-3-B09-495-C-B720-9-A50-B1461-ED0.gif]

russian army are retreating, move backwards, ukraine almost get back all their towns now.
now putin threaten touse nukes again, if russia win now, he needs to threaten? mean their hypersonic missile also useless now.
with weapons & food supply to russian army are cutting off now in Ukraine, either they find a way fast or need to retreat or russian army will have to surrender inside Ukraine soon.

马里乌波尔再次打败俄军的猛烈围攻! 俄军已成强弩之末!


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