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Vijay Prasad warns Biden is doubling down on Trump's Anti-China cold war.  

US has no choice

To maintain their global dominance ..they have to constantly disturb CHina

if China is smart ..just ignore these war mongers

look what they did to Russia
instead of improving themselves, these evil ppl go around to sabotage others. really despicable
It's all boils down to dirty politics...want to get erected or re-erected, must b anti china....cos the entire hilly billy population including the lazy blacks loathe the hard working chinese n asians for stealing their cheese, butter, jam n kaya..
Lazy blacks n angmos live in ghetto slum areas n in the streets of singapore, a deserted town , once a prosperous city in michigan
after yesterday US sanction china individual, step by step, likely they will sanction china like Russia today, expand sanction in time to come.
today, US ready to remove china most preference trading partner, like what EU sanction Russia today.
this stupid moron vijay know nut & immediately kena slap on his own face, so fast.
Just like US sanction Russia oil & gas, never never feed the evil, money is nothing when deal with evil.

美國會兩黨推取消中共永久最惠國  制裁未至 中國經濟已經亂套[/font]

not only this eastern, that 2 mh aso could be the work of yr evil daddy
(24-03-2022, 08:03 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]not only this eastern, that 2 mh aso could be the work of yr evil daddy


Moronic kokee your daddy tariff exemptions China huat arh huat arh