SG Talk

Full Version: Anthony Albanese Will be the New Aussie PM
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Anthony Albanese is currently the opposition party leader. He was born in Sydney to an Italian father and  an Irish mother.
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need to change the present like NZ and in Singapore are students of Godfather
they handled too well until cannot work
now with Putin in Ukraine the amt on lines are in the hundreds of trillions
Z have gone deep into hiding
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2022 Federal election: Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese are in a race to become Australia's next Prime Minister
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The poll before Morrison’s party lost state election recently in South Australia, now will be even worse.
Fire fights
during which a dead eye-ball was used to gain access
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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-25-15-58-25.png]
The ruling party only has majority in two states in blue, the rest (in red) are all controlled by opposition party, how to win? Laughing

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