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Full Version: OCBC announces mass hiring of 1,500 tech workers with majority of roles in S’pore
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It is sad to have such a Govt that planned to waste our lives.

Since MOE purposely kept 3100 IT Quota in our varsities so that there is no Employment Pass quota for FTs in IT, then companies will never be able to hire enough locals for those vacancies.

At the end, these vacancies go to FTs just like before! Govt is making such an announcement to make us fools??
More CECA coming, song Boh!
What is the purpose of highlighting that the majority of positions will be based in Spore? It doesn't even mean that these positions will be filled only by sinkies.

In fact, if they want to employ foreigners, I'd rather these positions be based in their countries than to come here.
(28-03-2022, 11:19 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]What is the purpose of highlighting that the majority of positions will be based in Spore? It doesn't even mean that these positions will be filled only by sinkies.

In fact, if they want to employ foreigners, I'd rather these positions be based in their countries than to come here.
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That is why I never trust PAP.

What they say and what they do is different.

Worst, what they do and the outcome is far from expectations.

[Image: Alamak-a-better-Singapore-Aug-2020.png]
An this moron said IT Vacancies cannot be met by Fresh grads alone

With 100k or 200k IT Fresh Grads every year here not enough?

And with mid- IT professionals here, still not enough?

Some underwent Career Dumping to change Jobs also not enough?

[Image: CCS-IT-need-FTs-Aug-21.png]