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Full Version: Energy production: Why Texas can’t immediately fill the Russian oil and gas gap
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So the U.S. oil and gas production is unable to fill the Russian gap and unable to meet the demand from Germany and many other European nations.
No wonder Germany goes to middle east even Africa for gas supplies.
I find Germany most stupid. Merkel came to Putin for Nordstream2 project. It was a German idea.

German keep freaknig up with politics and they could have cheap gas. Stupid stupid stupid....
(28-03-2022, 12:25 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]I find Germany most stupid. Merkel came to Putin for Nordstream2 project. It was a German idea.

German keep freaknig up with politics and they could have cheap gas. Stupid stupid stupid....

Looks like they have to use coal now
Russia has not cut the oil and gas supply yet. There is also no reason that the US must be the one supplying the oil and gas to all those affected. It would be very naive to think that those countries that are likely to be affected to sanction Russia if they do have plan B for the alternate supply of oili and gas. Russia presently is supplying only 14% of natural gas and 11% of the oil to the World and most of them are for countries nearby.

Natural Gas Supply
[Image: sRSi5XH.png]

Oil Production
[Image: uJVtUJP.png]