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Full Version: Spore signs US-led agreement governing space exploration
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Please nominate your favourite Minister to be 1st Singaporean sent to Mars.

On one way ticket.
(29-03-2022, 12:10 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Please nominate your favourite Minister to be 1st Singaporean sent to Mars.

On one way ticket.

Please send OYK to the sun  nudie
Don't see how this will benefit us.
Can't even handle GST properly, still got cheek to meddle with space exploration
Singapore is led by a bunch of senior civil servants who have absolutely no idea which direction we should be heading. When it announces plans to become a space hub I knew it's a mistake.

They wanted Singapore to become a hub for researchers to design niche space components for overseas markets but do they know that it's not all about design. We need facilities and equipment to do the measurements and companies are not willing to spend the money unless they see large orders. Singapore will not be able to attract enough space companies to come here and any little success you see now is a result of EDB throwing money at them.

Singapore as a space hub will become a failure. Just mark my words.

Don't understand the purpose of wearing a mask yet, want to go into space.