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Full Version: Germany: Habeck calls out gas early warning level
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Because of the gas dispute with Russia, the federal government is preparing for a possible deterioration in gas supplies.
Why so stupid.
Need Russia gas most, then buy.
Germany do not have a choice. 
Pay Russia on their terms. 
Otherwise the people and businesses going to suffer.
Keep the Russians out

Keep the Germans down
(30-03-2022, 04:03 PM)simpleman Wrote: [ -> ]Keep the Russians out

Keep the Germans down
This is what US want. 
But Germans better decide for themselves. 
If today you ask me, indians or germans are smarter. I would say Modi is the man.
Merkel must be cursing at the new German leaders for their stupidity!
Sanction some more lah …..
All kena snooked by USA...
(30-03-2022, 07:39 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]All kena snooked by USA...

They white colonial traxhes worshipper said it will hurt Russkies more because oil and gas selling to no one …. Fatty Xi and Mouldy all love a good deal  Rotfl