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Full Version: 375 OCBC customers double-charged for bill payments on AXS!!!!!
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A glitch at OCBC Bank that resulted in double payments of bills via the AXS app and website last week has been resolved, and  all customers have been refunded.

Customers who paid their bills using OCBC cards last Thursday (March 24) via the AXS mobile app m-Station and the Web-based AXS e-Station were charged twice. 

AXS said there were 375 such cases and it was alerted to the issue when customers called in on Saturday (March 26).

One customer, who wrote to the media, said she made a bill payment of  more than a thousand dollars on Thursday using the AXS mobile app.

Giving her name only as Ms Lee, she said she realised on Saturday that she had been charged double for that transaction and called the bank and AXS that same day.

She followed up with another call to OCBC on Monday.

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This is why always check your bill… Don’t forget… As long the program written by software. Sure will have some hidden bug(s).