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Full Version: Germany brakes with sanctions
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Germany successfully campaigned in confidential talks with the EU to ensure that certain metals supplied by state-controlled Russian companies do not appear on the draft list of new sanctions against Russia.

This is what several diplomats involved in the matter reported to Kontraste . Other EU countries had previously suggested imposing sanctions on nickel, palladium, copper, iron ore, aluminum and titanium. 

The reason for the German position is apparently to protect German economic interests. On average, a total of around 370 million euros flow from Germany every month for the import of metals to Russia.
russia & putin to use Euro to pay for russia oil & gas.
all these comie dogs will never get thing right because of their fake communist source, same to this one, theold.
these dogs keep barking using ruble to pay & do not know what is the implication, spam like crazy whole days open at least 10 threads to bark, only moron will use ruble to pay, know nut coie dogs here.


(31-03-2022, 07:04 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]russia & putin

Kokee so sexcited ah?