SG Talk

Full Version: China’s rich are moving their money to Singapore after Beijing’s latest crackdown.
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Seems like they dont know SG are one of the vassal state of American
moronic dogs here bark 90% of moron in china support ccp, looks like 90% not support, that is why they dare not vote or go democratic.
good, when sanction china starts, all these money will be frozen like russia case>
going to start soon, anyway, money stay in china will be all confiscate by ccp eventually, no> all know well, bring at least got better chance.
come, the more the better, freeze all when sanction starts, just do it.
Money makes money's paper, GCB bot 4 yrs ago n now sold for a $18 million profit!

4 yrs made $18 million, no need to work for life!

Pls dont grumble complain...oppprtunities r everywhere.....firstly must work hard, earn an honest living ...somehow one day, Luck or opportunity will knock at yr door.
High risks, high rewards n vice versa...
Do.nothing, v safe but u miss out on oppprtunity costs n inflation.