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Full Version: Putin allies: Russian agricultural products are supplied only to friendly countries
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MOSCWA, - An  ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Friday that Russia could limit the supply of agricultural products to only "friendly" countries, amid Western sanctions imposed on Moscow over the Ukraine crisis . Russia is a major exporter of agricultural products worldwide. Dmitry Medvedev, who served as president from 2008 to 2012 and is now deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said he wanted to outline some simple but important points about food security in Russia, given the sanctions imposed. Also read: Putin's popularity increases,

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all these know nut comie dogs can only bark lies & BS.
russia basically is a begger now almost bankrupt, lelong all they have at below market rate, as long as give USD, they will sell, yet bark such totally shameless lies, got morons believe such total rubbish>
inside russia, most supermarket already empty with goods except russian agri. Russia almost totally no industrialisation, globally almost nothing branded belong to russia, now all pull out, whole russia chasing for such foreign good, price up 100%, 300% easily, inflation of 50% in russia today is totally nothing.
all these know nut comie, only con brainless here 7-24, LOL LOL.
also whole world know russian wheat is poisonous, only china buy a lot.


russia lickers can go to jb eat russian potato lah…faster go