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Full Version: Whoever Wants to Go Msia Must Apply for Approval for Vaccination Status
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Must use their app to apply and it takes 5 working days to get the approval. Like that who want to go there?
In order to register with the app, you must provide your Msian address.
If you dunt have Msian address, you can’t register with the app, and can’t apply for approval for your vaccination status…how to go?
Very stupid
Some Sporeans put Spore address but couldn’t find Spore in the dropdown, so they put Malaysia as country, and got rejected.
So all went up r Malaysians?
I don't believe.
(02-04-2022, 11:36 AM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]So all went up r Malaysians?
I don't believe.

Unless you book a hotel there and apply approval 5 days ahead.
Good luck with your adventure in Msia.