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Full Version: HOW DARE THEY bomb us! Kremlin Kaopeh after fuel depot destroyed on Russian soil
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s henchmen insisted Ukraine was responsible and threatened to walk out of peace talks — despite continuing to kill Ukrainian women and children in indiscriminate attacks.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “This is not something that can be perceived as creating comfortable conditions for the continuation of negotiations.”

But Ukraine said Russian claims it was responsible for the strike “did not correspond to reality”.

It was the first successful airstrike on Russian soil since World War Two.
Very funny, these Russians
They forget this is war
(02-04-2022, 11:08 PM)Bluebull Wrote: [ -> ]Haha
Very funny, these Russians
They forget this is war
I also find it funny... It's like the bombing etc needs to be confined in Ukraine meh? Lol

Likewise for USA invasion or liberation in middle east... They can always bring the war to USA homeground if they like since warring.
Ukraine denied conducting the raid, which is strange, considering how it has always claim credit for any victory against Russia.

In contrast, Russia was quick to blame Ukraine, which is strange, considering it could issue a denial by saying that the explosion was an accident. 

The raid was conveniently captured on CCTV that has night vision capability, at the right angle & moment inside Russian territory.

So, this raid may have been a flase flag conducted by Russia itself, for several reasons.

1. Russia will use this attack as a casus belli to go all out in Phase 2.

2. Russia will use this incursion & attack to formally declare war on Ukraine. A state of war gives wide ranging powers to President Putin. 

3. Russia now has the option to invoke CSTO so that Belarus can formally enter the war
Ukraine attack russia inside russia land now, start to bomb russia weapons warehouse also russia oil field & storage.
russia rely so much of their income from oil & gas, Ukraine must bomb & burnt down all russia oil & gas field as much as possible.
make russia economy & military total paralyze.
US release 180 million barrel of reserved oil is to make up for cutting off russia oil supply in near future.

乌军穷追猛打,已收回40多座小城镇! 俄军对丧生战友的冷漠与残酷,令人震惊! 美国又抓出中国间谍!


(02-04-2022, 10:40 PM)way Wrote: [ -> ]

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s henchmen insisted Ukraine was responsible and threatened to walk out of peace talks — despite continuing to kill Ukrainian women and children in indiscriminate attacks.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “This is not something that can be perceived as creating comfortable conditions for the continuation of negotiations.”

But Ukraine said Russian claims it was responsible for the strike “did not correspond to reality”.

It was the first successful airstrike on Russian soil since World War Two.

Russian troops bombed Ukrainian oil depot 1st what.
(03-04-2022, 12:13 AM)simpleman Wrote: [ -> ]Ukraine denied conducting the raid, which is strange, considering how it has always claim credit for any victory against Russia.

In contrast, Russia was quick to blame Ukraine, which is strange, considering it could issue a denial by saying that the explosion was an accident. 

The raid was conveniently captured on CCTV that has night vision capability, at the right angle & moment inside Russian territory.

So, this raid may have been a flase flag conducted by Russia itself, for several reasons.

1. Russia will use this attack as a casus belli to go all out in Phase 2.

2. Russia will use this incursion & attack to formally declare war on Ukraine. A state of war gives wide ranging powers to President Putin. 

3. Russia now has the option to invoke CSTO so that Belarus can formally enter the war
Strange that Ukraine supporters are excited about the bombing but Ukraine denied the bombing.
all these comie liars post fake from their communist sources of lies & rubbish here 7-24, norm.
posted my times, Ukraine reclaim all the lands around kiev & russia army all chase out of kiev area totally, russia army only left in east side now fighting the russian there. basically Ukraine already recover almost the whole country now except a small part in east.
Ukraine started to bomb inside russia land now, attack russia oil & gas field, next likely russia weapons warehouse.



Rather unusual for Ukraine to deny bragging rights.

May also be a case of right hand not knowing what left hand was doing, since communications were destroyed or jammed by Russians
(04-04-2022, 05:35 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these comie liars post fake from their communist sources of lies & rubbish here 7-24, norm.
posted my times, Ukraine reclaim all the lands around kiev & russia army all chase out of kiev area totally, russia army only left in east side now fighting the russian there. basically Ukraine already recover almost the whole country now except a small part in east.
Ukraine started to bomb inside russia land now, attack russia oil & gas field, next likely russia weapons warehouse.



communist source of fake & lies, just google yourself & watch below video.
truth will be out eventually when the war in more progress or end, when NATO & US starts to bomb russia, who will still bother this small fuel depot, just a start & beginning.

Ukraine attacks Russian fuel depot

(04-04-2022, 12:44 AM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]Strange that Ukraine supporters are excited about the bombing but Ukraine denied the bombing.

According to news report the reason that Ukraine is denying this attack because they will be trialed in war crime and they know that they have no stand on this case.

It basically shows that these Ukraine supporters here didn’t realise that and they are blindly supporting for the sake of supporting.
The possibilities are:

1. The Ukrainian armed force did it but denied it, for fear of Russian reprisals

2. Factions of the Ukrainian armed force did it out of their own initiative, without the knowledge of the central gov

3. The Russians did it as part of their feint tactics to galvanise support for an all out war in the Donbass

4. A 3rd player did it as a revenge attack
(04-04-2022, 06:57 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]communist source of fake & lies, just google yourself & watch below video.
truth will be out eventually when the war in more progress or end, when NATO & US starts to bomb russia, who will still bother this small fuel depot, just a start & beginning.

Ukraine attacks Russian fuel depot

these are nothing compared to russia bomb & kill civilians in Ukraine.
its funny la this war
it seems even biden is surprised that ukrainians blasted something in russia!
its like nato & usa wants ukriane only to defend and now worry what putin thinks!

if anyone attack sg, you think we just sit and wait for missiles to come?
(04-04-2022, 07:49 AM)menghuii Wrote: [ -> ]its funny la this war
it seems even biden is surprised that ukrainians blasted something in russia!
its like nato & usa wants ukriane only to defend and now worry what putin thinks!

if anyone attack sg, you think we just sit and wait for missiles to come?
Putin is crazy. He did the attack on a sovereign Ukraine and Ukraine hv every right to retaliate, and attack Russian land too. It is both ways. Ridiculous for Putin to cry foul.
(04-04-2022, 10:02 AM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Putin is crazy. He did the attack on a sovereign Ukraine and Ukraine hv every right to retaliate, and attack Russian land too. It is both ways. Ridiculous for Putin to cry foul.

You are right. In a fight, you whack me, I whack you back. But the strange thing is one party whack already (the party who got whack first) denied that he whack back, when he has all the reasons to whack back.
(04-04-2022, 09:16 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]comie dogs here span 7-24 here in high volume, hope fake can turn real here for morons.
communist source of fake & lies, just google yourself & watch below video.
truth will be out eventually when the war in more progress or end, when NATO & US starts to bomb russia, who will still bother this small fuel depot, just a start & beginning.

Ukraine attacks Russian fuel depot

with this, there is no more return road for Ukraine, bomb all the way to moscow & st. peterburg, putin & all these evil russia army. Zelensky must stop any peace talk with russia anymore till they pay back all these blood in 10x.
A human will never do such thing, nothing to talk anymore, same to all these bloody comie liars in his forum, can even support such total inhuman act, shanghai today, deserve it.
This war will not stop so easily now, NATO & US must support Ukraine to attack till moscow & flatten st. peterburg & let russia to taste it themselves.
(04-04-2022, 01:42 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]You are right. In a fight, you whack me, I whack you back. But the strange thing is one party whack already (the party who got whack first) denied that he whack back, when he has all the reasons to whack back.
Yes. Only a barbarian will hv such idio*tic mentality.  Is just like a robber who robbed someone and yet, reported to police claiming that he hv 
been robbed.