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Full Version: Soundproof window didn’t help with noise pollution from company storing tiles at
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Soundproof window didn’t help with noise pollution from company storing tiles at carpark tank room; HDB resident seeks advice
Soundproof window can limit some noise only lah.. not 100%. Shift house better, confirm soundproof.
Report via OneService app. Word your feedback carefully so that it doesn’t get brushed off. If you complain it’s noisy, they will reply that they’re monitoring,” said the netizen.

“Suggest you feedback that you’ve observed contractors may be illegally using the generator room as a storage room, and there’s a potential fire hazard. Ask them if this is an approved change of use, and they’ll definitely h
Those Jiatliao Bee towncouncil people staffs knnb one la and those contractors are all RUBBISH people.
No money for landed bobian lor........chui t'at lan
It's not the worst case. Next to my hdb block are shops on the ground floor. A supermarket, a vegetarian restaurant, a malay restaurant, a gas tank shop etc. Both the restaurants  have 'washing room' outside, the restaurants. Almost every night, can hear plates, fork and spoon flying into the sink. The vegetarian restaurant close at 9pm so the noise coming from the washing  has to be acceptable. Unfortunately the malay restaurant close at 3am. So between 11pm ~ 2.30am, there will be a great orchestra going on by the plates, forks, spoons and the garbage bin cover. Sometimes i wonder if the cleaner wasnt  paid well and she vent her anger by throwing anything that comes to her hand.  Then around 4+am, the supermarket delivery truck comes in and start unloading at the carpark.  On weekends around 8am, the gas shop will be loading or unloading his tanks from this van.

Complains has been lodged but at the end of the day, 'have given warning' or 'will monitor the situation', are the final words I can get. Hiazz.... I only have to learn to live with it.
(03-04-2022, 04:44 PM)Gozilla Wrote: [ -> ]It's not the worst case. Next to my hdb block are shops on the ground floor. A supermarket, a vegetarian restaurant, a malay restaurant, a gas tank shop etc. Both the restaurants  have 'washing room' outside, the restaurants. Almost every night, can hear plates, fork and spoon flying into the sink. The vegetarian restaurant close at 9pm so the noise coming from the washing  has to be acceptable. Unfortunately the malay restaurant close at 3am. So between 11pm ~ 2.30am, there will be a great orchestra going on by the plates, forks, spoons and the garbage bin cover. Sometimes i wonder if the cleaner wasnt  paid well and she vent her anger by throwing anything that comes to her hand.  Then around 4+am, the supermarket delivery truck comes in and start unloading at the carpark.  On weekends around 8am, the gas shop will be loading or unloading his tanks from this van.

Complains has been lodged but at the end of the day, 'have given warning' or 'will monitor the situation', are the final words I can get. Hiazz.... I only have to learn to live with it.

But put on positive side means your place got easy access to foods leh , so it give and take lor.