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Full Version: CSI personality thru photo on social media
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[Image: FB-IMG-1648947794730.jpg]

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The photo tell you that she is those lack of 自信 , attention seeker and a self egoist.往往内心缺乏自信甚至会比较自卑。他们希望与他人

[Image: FB-IMG-1648949032892.jpg]
She is 一個内心坦荡而真诚,愿意将真实的自己呈现给他
(02-04-2022, 08:53 AM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Influencer like Jac Lau

First, must have full of EGO

Then waste money to buy lots of garbage like garang guni

And then Ownself- Praise Ownself

Have lots of time to Talk Cock and Shoot Blank

No need to have any Performance Result

So long ownself do ownself happy
