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15 Signs That The Americans Have Begun Freaking Out

What you see happen in USA now is FUTURE OF SG.
Which country can take over USA as world master? World Economy No1?
Which country's think tank is more powerful than USA?
(03-04-2022, 03:44 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]Trump returns, so will comedians.
Love watching those impersonation of Trump.

(03-04-2022, 04:37 PM)Oasis Wrote: [ -> ]Which country can take over USA as world master? World Economy No1?
Which country's think tank is more powerful than USA?

China This is why USA always worry on China influence.
Who pay for his wrong bet?
(03-04-2022, 05:20 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Who pay for his wrong bet?

SUCK THUMB IS WE , got squeeze till left bone.

India currently enjoy cheap stuffs from Russia
Indo also
even our neighbour Malaysia , If I not mistaken Malaysia never sanction russia.
USA ? to be honest they NEVER Fully sanction russia in fact!

So I don't know what we will gain from USA this time.
(03-04-2022, 05:23 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]SUCK THUMB IS WE , got squeeze till left bone.

India currently enjoy cheap stuffs from Russia
Indo also
even our neighbour Malaysia , If I not mistaken Malaysia never sanction russia.
USA ? to be honest they NEVER Fully sanction russia in fact!

So I don't know what we will gain from USA this time.

Sell us more overpriced rubbish F35
(03-04-2022, 03:16 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]15 Signs That The Americans Have Begun Freaking Out

What you see happen in USA now is FUTURE OF SG.

If he bets wrong, he will not be in shxt but you and all the peasants. That's the beauty of his job...... Big Grin
Listen, there is Karma one lah

Heavens got eyes one ok

You just watch

Have patience
(03-04-2022, 11:55 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]dont know what lies this moronic comie dog want to bark here & in all his posts & threads.
china steal & copy cat in almost everything they own today, that is hard truth & fact, totally shameless.
now covid in china show china totally no humanity, no freedom & human right.
Ton died due to lock down, once lock down regardless how ill you are or no medicine or need medical care or dialysis, all has to lock down inside your unit, no one will care whether you die or not, follow strict rule of Xi lock down forcefully to achieve zero case.
I already said this china covid is Xi against 1.4B china people, this bloody bastard, ton died in sickness in this covid all over china today yet no data or news about all these death, in 10of millions or 100> LOL LOL.
totally no humanity.


these comie dogs here know nut yet die die want to stay back here instead go back to their beloved ccp china to enjoy their slavery life like above in shanghai & all over china today.
they bark US & spore so jialat & RMB so good but they never want to sell all their asset here, convert all to RMB & buy china whatever. They want you to buy everything china but not them, they keep USD & S$, US stock & spore property, all these bloody real liars.
these dogs never know RMB is not a floating currency, under capital control in china, it is the same as CLOB, Xi today is mahathir tomorrow. all these real know nut dog.
as for china no freedom & human right, slavery life, I have spoken enough, hope these dogs here & their family quickly all go back especailly their children & grandchildren, is better to brainwash early than late, LOL LOL.
